
Even on the brightest sunny day, our world seems a little darker now than at any other time in history. While wars have always been taking place somewhere on planet earth, never has war and unrest been so widespread. With the creation of the internet, faceless anger runs rampant. We can publicly “unfriend” friends without ever having to explain why. Road rage, college campus rage, athletic rage, political rage and the list goes on and on, are of an epidemic proportion.

Without God as our Filter, we are as Scripture states, “darkness.” The passage in Ephesians does not say we bring darkness; rather, we “are darkness!” And, the “deeds of darkness” are “fruitless.” In researching crime activity, while crime occurs throughout all hours of the day and night, the most violent crimes happen after the sun goes down. A current television commercial depicts a house break-in attempt as the would-be robber stops in his steps when a floodlight unexpectedly comes on and exposes him. Immediately, the predator turns and runs away!

What is the best way to eliminate darkness? Turn on a light! Paul writes in Ephesians that “in the Lord,” [Jesus] we “are light.” To expose deeds of darkness, you and I must live as one belonging to Christ Jesus. What does exposure look like in reality? Just as Jesus is The Light, His light is in us reflecting all that is good, right and truth-revealing. Thus, we and others might not only see and avoid the pitfalls of darkness, but we can show others the Way.

Remember: Light always cancels out darkness!

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

“Say goodbye to stress; Lose 10 pounds this week; Have thicker hair; Discover Wealth; Find happiness in 60 seconds!” These are but a few select front page magazine topics taken from a couple of currently popular editions at the grocery checkout line. Of course, magazine companies are in the business to promote and sell their products. I find myself lured into picking up and turning the cover to read. If the consumer were not interested in these topics, companies could not be successful.

Is the human condition so frail that we are in bondage to the world philosophies on subjects of stress, beauty, wealth, and happiness? These topics are only a few of what seems to drive magazine and book sales. One book that is timeless and, in fact, has been in circulation for over fifteen hundred years is the Bible. Within its pages God councils the reader about stress, beauty and age, a healthy lifestyle and how to deal with money. These areas of interest all belong to the conditions of living in this world, so maybe this is why we are tempted to look for solutions from within it. But, then, why does God council us about these conditions? Although physical and practical needs may be limited to the material realm, how we deal with them prepares us for heaven. 

Every generation tries to outwit the passage of time and its effects on the physical body or our bank account. While we can do much to create a healthier environment for ourselves and others, our window of time to do so is limited by the clock. The question remaining is, how much time do we want to invest in what is temporary versus what is eternal? As you and I stand before The God of the universe, and one day we will stand before Him, the only redeemable attribute will be, “I desired to do Your will!”

Before leaving my Delaware beach home last week, I made a deliberate tour of each room that is especially meaningful to me. The reason is that I want to be able to close my eyes and go to this beautiful place when the weather in Virginia is rainy, or perhaps when the “climate of my personal life” is threatening to storm. Maybe you can join me for a moment by closing our eyes together and imagining we are standing on the sandy beach. The temperature is perfect! Do you hear the ocean waves gently rolling onshore and feel the breeze blowing through your hair and smell the salty air? You may even listen to a singing seagull or two as they dive for fish. The sunshine envelopes our body like a warm blanket.

Now, let’s imagine another lovely place called heaven. Jesus often spoke of His home place. Of course, He understood none of His listeners or future followers could fully comprehend the description of such a beautiful place since He alone had experienced living there. So, to help us try and picture it, Jesus would say, “The kingdom of heaven is like…” then told of earthly experiences to which people could relate. He tells us parables or stories about gardens and sowing seeds; yeast in bread; fishing, and finding hidden treasure to help us picture heaven.

If you are like I am, the more years I have behind me, the more I think about heaven. The reason is, I am traveling on a road that each day is taking me away from this world and closer to the home God has prepared just for me. When the trials of this life threaten to disrupt my peaceful environment, I open my Bible and read the letters from Jesus. Then, I close my eyes and bask in the Son-light of His promises. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20, NIV.

Sherry Sharp

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

The time was getting close for my friends to arrive for dinner. As the final touch for dessert, I made a fresh peach crisp that was sure to be a big hit. Wanting it to be still warm when served, I waited until the last minute to put it in the oven. Unfortunately, some of the peach fillings dripped over the side of the pan while it was baking. By the time I realized what happened, smoke had filled the oven, and I thought the crisp, ruined. It still looked delicious, and we decided that with enough ice cream, we might not notice the smoky taste. Whipped cream and ice cream can cover over a multitude of sins from the kitchen!

When reading the verse in 1 Corinthians, I always get a sober giggle. Having a quirky sense of humor, I picture getting to the gates of heaven with empty hands that by now are attempting to smother out the flames rising from the hem of my beautiful white but singed and smoky robe, just in the nick of time!

By now, you may be laughing, but in reality, I sincerely hope for an entirely different scenario. I don’t want to just get to heaven with nothing of value to show for the life given to me here on earth; like going to a birthday party without a gift. Instead, when I meet Jesus face to face, I pray I will have a “smorgasbord of desserts” to share. And, as much as I like ice cream and whipped cream, in heaven, it won’t be necessary because whatever survives the journey will have no imperfections to hide. Now, this picture puts a genuine smile on my face!

Dessert anyone?

Sherry Sharp

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

In the summer months, I have the opportunity to drive through some of the most beautiful countrysides in the state of Delaware. Farms are extending as far as the eye can see transform from bare dirt in the early season to miles of sweet corn by August. Seeing life sprout up in such a yummy way makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

At one of the crossroads, just after passing through one of the fields of corn, a very different scene enters the landscape; a small, old graveyard on one side of the road and a large recycling plant on the other. Immediately my mind begins to see a story develop. Like molding sand on the seashore and transforming it into a castle, God created the first man Adam out of the dirt of the earth. Head to toe, human life began out of the barren soil. Just as the farmer plants his seed, expecting it to yield crops, you and I were designed to grow and produce fruit. As the fruit develops, some are good and some not so good. At the end of our “season,” we die and go back into the soil. But, in Jesus Christ, the story is not over! One day, God will appoint His angels, along with Jesus, to come and gather His people from the earth to join Him in the “new heaven and new earth.” Our bodies will be new and imperishable. Death will be no more!

By the way, the name of the crossroads separating the graveyard from the recycling plant?

“Shepherd’s Crossing!”

Spending summers on the shore do more than simply offer rest. Every year is a new and fresh beginning. The scenery hasn’t changed, yet my heart anticipates surprises and experiences waiting to happen just for me.

Last week, the weather pattern brought our location a terrific storm. Gusting winds churned the waters of the ocean such that it appeared as if it were boiling. Foaming bubbles crashed down onto the sand with such force that a wall formed where once was a gentle slope. This morning, as I look out the window, all is quiet and still. The sea is like glass! The wall of sand is gone, and the gentle slope has returned, compliments of the ebb and flow of the tides.

If willing, one can learn a lot from time spent on God’s creation of the “seas.” Life is a lot like the weather on the shoreline; exciting, and ever-changing without warning. Just as people jump right into the waves in the ocean, we ride the rolling “waters” of our daily activities and relationships. Most times the experiences are fun and exhilarating. Other times we may feel as if we are tossed about with forces beyond our control, like being slammed against the rocky bottom of the ocean. When we finally emerge, we have scrapes and bruises caused by the experiences. 

Like the changing “tides,” life experiences take us by surprise. No matter! It’s no fun just watching from the land. Let’s grab that boogie board and jump in. Here comes a big one. Are you ready? Let’s go!      

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

We see it happened every day. Someone who the world deems worthy falls from the pedestal of popularity and praise. Athletes, politicians, religious leaders; the list goes on and on. Perhaps worst of all is when a person we know and love, personally, does something that disappoints or embarrasses us. Our neat and tidy “houses” of expectation and promises lay in ruins around us. We’re not sure what to do; even worse, too often we wonder if life can continue with so much devastation.

Is it unrealistic to believe and trust in other people? In the midst of discovered deception and lies, our answer might be, “yes!” The only way to avoid the risk of disappointment brought on by others is to retreat and live alone. But, God created us for relationships, not isolation.

In a recent discussion with some friends about our children and grandchildren, one of them timidly suggested he didn’t consider himself a good role model. Those of us who were present knew the reason why he felt the way he did. Years ago, knowledge of a personal weakness became public. Pain naturally followed his choices and affected all who loved him and had put their trust in him. To his credit, he asked for forgiveness and determined that no matter how long it took, he would move forward, trusting God to heal the wounds caused by his actions.

My friend has lived beautifully through the years since this situation occurred; not perfectly because no one is perfect! I was proud to point out after his comment, that he is indeed the “perfect” role model for others in his life. When humility follows failure, and change is in progress, no better actions are worthy of emulating.

You might have thought the Scripture from 1 Corinthians at the beginning of this writing are words spoken by Jesus, but you would be mistaken. Paul, who had been, Saul persecuted and killed many Christians before choosing to follow Christ. He wrote these words!

Failure is not what determines our creditability; inability to admit it and do something about it is what reveals the flaws of our character. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Psalm 51:17, NIV. 

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

Sometimes I feel so small when I look out over the vast ocean in the daylight; at night, looking up into the star-filled sky, my presence seems insignificant. On a recent trip to Alaska, traveling through glaciers and endless wilderness spaces, I was consumed with wonder and awe at the greatness of God. In the midst of it all, I think to myself, how is it that The Lord remembers me? And yet, He does. And, He remembers you too.

My four grandchildren just left after an extended visit. If I had a hundred grandchildren, I would love each one with all of my heart. God loves all of us as though we are His only child. Peace and joy don’t come as a result of fully understanding how it is possible, only in believing that it is. Friend, bask in knowing you are personally and intimately known to the Creator of the Universe.

My heart is so full of the goodness of God.
Words to adequately express my emotions, threaten to abandon me.
Therefore, I rely on The Truth of Your Word.

God, You wrote me into Your story
Before the world began.
Nothing about me escapes You.

God, You chose the color of my hair and eyes before placing me in the world
As surely as You colored each bird and flower
Before placing them in the field.

God, You are the Ultimate Designer.
Your handiwork reveals that I am an integral thread
In the fabric of Your creation.

God, Your signature is found on every human fingerprint.
Your love is planted in each heart.
I was made to recognize and respond to Your voice.

God, You set everything in creation into motion
And called it, “good.”
In Your image, You made me and called it, “very good!”

God, I am now and eternally Yours.

Previously Published on Sweet Monday