Sometimes I feel so small when I look out over the vast ocean in the daylight; at night, looking up into the star-filled sky, my presence seems insignificant. On a recent trip to Alaska, traveling through glaciers and endless wilderness spaces, I was consumed with wonder and awe at the greatness of God. In the midst of it all, I think to myself, how is it that The Lord remembers me? And yet, He does. And, He remembers you too.

My four grandchildren just left after an extended visit. If I had a hundred grandchildren, I would love each one with all of my heart. God loves all of us as though we are His only child. Peace and joy don’t come as a result of fully understanding how it is possible, only in believing that it is. Friend, bask in knowing you are personally and intimately known to the Creator of the Universe.

My heart is so full of the goodness of God.
Words to adequately express my emotions, threaten to abandon me.
Therefore, I rely on The Truth of Your Word.

God, You wrote me into Your story
Before the world began.
Nothing about me escapes You.

God, You chose the color of my hair and eyes before placing me in the world
As surely as You colored each bird and flower
Before placing them in the field.

God, You are the Ultimate Designer.
Your handiwork reveals that I am an integral thread
In the fabric of Your creation.

God, Your signature is found on every human fingerprint.
Your love is planted in each heart.
I was made to recognize and respond to Your voice.

God, You set everything in creation into motion
And called it, “good.”
In Your image, You made me and called it, “very good!”

God, I am now and eternally Yours.