
The calendar is only on day four going into the new year, and already, sad news has reached me concerning the severe illness of yet another dear friend. I am keenly sensitive to the number of people of all ages falling ill to the various diseases in our world. Of course, compared to the perfect garden offered by God at the beginning of creation, people now live in a hostile world courtesy of our bad choices through the gift of free will. Some might argue that the environment is getting worse over time. Although this could be true, and I am no expert on the subject, what I do know is that nothing about God has changed. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. For Him and from Him, there are no surprises!

Seeing the positive side of life has been my nature since I was a child. My sweet husband used to laugh and say, “you are delusional!” whenever I insisted on seeing “the glass as half full.” You and I could debate this topic all day long and perhaps end up having to agree to disagree, and that’s okay. Whichever idiom we prefer, the truth is, this world is not heaven. Bad things, accidents, and sickness happen here as well as good, joyful and pleasant things. Through it all, what matters is that whether we experience a windfall of goodness or a plight of hardship, the Lord is always with us. He loves us, and He knows everything about us. He celebrates our victories and embraces us when we grieve.

Whatever our circumstances, Jesus offers us an eternal pathway to The Father. Now, I hope we can all agree that This is Good News!

Sherry Sharp

Previously published on Sweet Monday

One passage of Scripture caught my attention this last Christmas. When the angel visited Mary, he said to her, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28, NIV. The verse goes on to say that “Mary was greatly troubled at his words…” [vs. 29] Was Mary also troubled that she was seeing and hearing an angel? I know I would be! But, Mary was more concerned about the message than the messenger. To find “favor” with God, she knew her life was drastically about to change, but how?

On this side of history, we all probably know that Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus, His Son. How awesome and yet terrifying this revelation must have been. But, did you know that you and I have also found favor with God?

As we turn the page on the calendar, remember, Jesus came “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” For Mary, being highly favored meant carrying the Savior in her womb. For you and me, to be favored is to carry Jesus in our hearts. The idea is no less awesome and terrifying for us than it was for Mary. Onlookers saw the life of Jesus growing in her belly, and she knew her life would never be the same again. People in our generation see Jesus in us by the way we talk, look, write on Facebook and email.

We live in the year of the Lord’s favor, 2018. What is the message you want to proclaim to the people in “your world?” I hope for all of us that our message is about the good news of Jesus, freedom from the prison of sin and death, and our hope for spending eternity with God.


Sherry Sharp

Previously published on Sweet Monday

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was no more than a teenager when the Angel of The Lord came upon her with the news “you will be with child.” Imagining how she must have felt is impossible! Even with the cultural differences, most teenagers have their heads in the clouds. In Mary’s case, the Maker of the clouds came down to her, bringing this extraordinary as well as troubling news.

Mary was betrothed to Joseph, meaning she was engaged to be married; a marriage that was no doubt an arrangement made not by her but on behalf of her parents. In our current generation, it is difficult to have a full appreciation for Mary’s dilemma. She was faithful to Joseph. But, who would believe her and how could Mary prove she was telling the truth? Would she be stoned to death, a requirement of The Law for such an offense? Still, Mary’s response to God was, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 2:38, NIV.

As you and I travel through Advent preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, what is The Holy Spirit saying to you? Is He nudging you to do something that sounds hard? Perhaps it is something as simple as setting aside the time to be still with God even though the idea may seem impossible when there is so much shopping and gift wrapping to do.

At a recent retreat, the leader challenged each participant to be intentional in finding quiet time; intentionality when the “tyranny of the urgent” threatens. I pray that each of us will take the time to “ponder” the Gift of God, His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. How amazing!

Sherry Sharp

Previously published on Sweet Monday

“Savings sale—ends Monday!” In December, the busiest retail month of the year, competitive businesses try and lure shoppers into stores by offering sales that are hard to resist. One such ad popped up on my computer suggesting time is running out, and if I want to save I should act now. Part of our human nature is vulnerable to the power of suggestion, which is why advertising is such a vast industry. Companies spend billions of dollars each year, especially during the weeks before Christmas in an attempt to increase sales. Why? Advertising is successful.

God speaks to us through His Word. Not only during December but every day of every month of every year God sends an alert that the clock is ticking. Jesus Christ affords every person on earth the opportunity to receive His savings paid for by His blood on the cross. No need to hold out for anything else because it doesn’t get any better than this. His Plan is Perfect! When this world wears out, and it will, “in keeping with [God’s] promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” (Verse 13)

The advertising on my computer tells me the “sale ends this Monday.” God’s Word doesn’t give us a date when the time to act on His salvation Promise is no longer available. However, decay is obvious in all of the elements of this world. We see the evidence everywhere around, in and through us. As with all of God’s creation, “Mother Earth” will cease to exist; when it does, where do you want to be? God desires that no one should perish. Will you join me this Christmas in celebrating His Provision, and Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ?

Sherry Sharp

Previously published on Sweet Monday

As I waited for the light to change, the car in front of mine had a bumper sticker that read, “Life is not a dress rehearsal.” The light turned green, and I went on my way but kept thinking about the message on the sticker. At first glance, one might agree that we should live each day to the fullest, but the suggestion is also that this life is all there is.

Jesus came to the earth from our Father in heaven to bring the Truth about a hope that transcends all planets, time and space. For those of us who have said “goodbye” to loved ones here, knowing that the story is not over when this life ends, brings great encouragement. Some people, sadly, don’t believe the promise of Jesus; for them, “life is not a dress rehearsal!”

When we wake up each morning to begin our day, remember, every minute is a learning opportunity. Because you and I are not perfect people, we make mistakes. In Jesus, we are forgiven when our “performance” is flawed. God sees us not as we are but as He created us to be. So, perhaps, life is a dress rehearsal, preparing us for heaven’s finale.

One of our family favorite trips is going to New York and attending a Broadway show. A couple of years ago, a friend who lives in the city, after the show ended took us behind the stage to meet the cast. What an exciting experience! Well, one day Jesus is coming to get us and carry us “backstage” to meet our Father; now, can you imagine how exciting that will be?

This Thanksgiving Season, let’s be grateful that because of Jesus, “the show must and will go on!”

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

If you are a frequent reader of my writing then you know I am a word nerd; this means I love to learn new words and understand more deeply words that are familiar. While the word “abide” is not new to most of us it is not one we use or even hear on a daily basis. Abide is a bit of an old-fashioned word, but I like the sound of it. When looking through the concordance of the Bible for Scripture references using the word “abide,” I was referred to another word, “remain.”

In the Book of John in just the first seventeen verses, Jesus uses the word “remain” nine times, and this tells me it’s something important, and I need to pay attention.

Jesus is very clear; remaining in Him is the only way you and I can produce fruit as His disciples. With the illustration of the vine and branches, to remain connected makes perfect sense. However, when I think of what life throws at us, sometimes I fear giving up is more natural than holding fast. Maybe you can identify.

Even though temperatures have fallen into the upper thirties in Virginia, rose bushes in my yard are still producing beautiful red and pink buds; “how can this be?” I’ve wondered. When looking more closely, I can see that the roots go deep into the ground where the earth is still warm. The rosebuds are the sign of a healthy root system but the rose itself without the vine could not exist.

What is required of us to remain in Jesus? Just as the rose is the identification of the vine to which it is connected, so you and I are the identification of The One in Whom we profess gives us life. The question then is, in Whom are you connected? 

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were speechless? I have. Just this morning I thought about my sweet friend, Kim Newlen who, three years ago went to be with The Lord. She, along with God created Sweet Monday Ministry. Her daughter was married this past weekend, so it was a time of beautiful celebration. But, with mixed emotions, my thoughts were also on Kim, and all I could do was nod my head in her conspicuous absence. I’m sure many other people were feeling the same. Knowing our Great God and Comforter hears when words fail us, brings peace to an otherwise unsettled heart.

This writing may be more of a confession, but “formal” prayer does not come easily for me in any situation. Often my words are nothing other than “groans” when I speak to God. My brain seems to be running at such a high speed that my heart cannot catch up! Does this ever happen to you?

The Scripture in Romans continues in the next verse, “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” [Verse 27] Oh glorious day! My brain on overload need not be a hindrance to the will of God. How reassuring. The next time you and I wonder, “what do I say?” let’s remember that conversation with God is not as much about us as it is the Spirit Who knows our heart and steps in for us. His words are gentle enough to soothe a broken heart and mighty enough to move mountains.

Previously Published on Sweet Monday

I am no “pollyanna!” How could I be after caring for my husband and best friend, who ultimately lost his life to younger-onset Alzheimer’s Disease? My only children, two daughters, are both cancer survivors. These challenges are only the ones at the very top of my list, which is much longer like many of you. So, with all that is happening in our world today, how can I suggest “love” as the solution to our problems? First of all, God does not “suggest” we love one another, He “commands” it. The consequence, should we choose to disobey His command is simple, though powerfully stated: “you will be destroyed by each other.” Is our current atmosphere of senseless crime the result of such a choice?

With the instant media coverage, it feels as though we hear more negative action than positive. The truth is, there is a lot of right taking place on earth at this time as well as wrong. The contrast is stark; natural disasters bring much needed resources as well as helpers; crime scenes expose heroes as well as evildoers. As stated in my previous writing, “light always cancels out darkness.” God will not be outdone or undone by Satan or his minions.

One of my favorite forms of exercise is participating in team activities that can be either mind challenging or of physical prowess. The reason I enjoy team challenges is because to do well requires cooperation with others who share a common goal which is to win. Team members work together not against one another. When one succeeds, ALL succeed! Friend, you and I may never meet in person, but I hope we are on the same “team” with the Lord Jesus as our Coach. He knows every play and every pitfall. In the huddle, He tells the winning strategy. “Love.”

Now, don’t be distracted by all of the noise. Get out there and bring it home!    

Previously Published on Sweet Monday