Peace in Pandemonium

On the desk in my office is a drawing of Jesus, depicted as laughing heartily. This picture has always been a comfort to me, especially when life is difficult and human worldly challenges hit hard. Jesus said in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Given the new war taking place in Israel, even as I type and you read these words, “peace” seems a long way off, if not impossible for God’s people, the Jewish nation. I have turned the picture of Jesus laughing upside down, because with thousands of people dead, including women and tiny children, no way is Jesus laughing now. The death toll keeps rising.

How do we find the kind of peace Jesus promised amid such horrific violence and evil, and threats looming all around us? Unlike the “peace” desperately sought in physical wars, peace found during spiritual warfare is not dependent upon our circumstances, bullets, or bombs, rather lasting peace is rooted in the power of God through Jesus Christ; this power crushed death and Satan, when Jesus walked out of the tomb on Easter Sunday. Halleluiah!

Fear is the opposite of peace. Followers of Jesus have absolutely nothing to fear. While news stations and Media always have much to say, they have limited knowledge of what is truly happening in our world. Yet, nothing surprises God Almighty. He is not wringing His hands, wondering what to do next. He wrote the story, so He knows how it ends!

In these troubled days, seek guidance in the Word of God, as He alone holds the keys to the future. He has told us ahead of time what to expect and what to do. Pray for peace. Practice faith. Preach the Good News! Jesus is not laughing as His people are suffering, but in The Day when He returns to gather up His followers, He will be smiling and so will we.

Come LORD Jesus, come!