It has been brought to my attention recently, that some of the devotions I’ve written may have presented a less than loving tone. Please know that this would never be my intention. The love of God is powerful and plentiful!! Pages in The Bible are filled with evidence of this truth for all who read it. God is also gentle and kind and caring of each person born into this world, past, present and future generations to come. He loves you and He loves me … make no mistake! But, God is also just and pure and holy!
Whenever I sit down to write, my thoughts are prayerful, first toward God and then toward those who may read what is written. The words that find themselves on paper are written through the lens of my own life and relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Having lived our human condition, good, bad or indifferent through this lens, my heart is quickened to share what, I believe, others have also experienced and to always leave us with the hope that is ours and abundant through Jesus!
Perhaps the style of writing God has used through me which may have caused this perception is because it seems I personally learn best after making mistakes. This realization is not something that brings me pleasure but it is a fact! A simple example of this is when I sew. Whenever I make a mistake and have to pull threads out of the fabric, I learn. As I said, this is a simple example resulting as a pain in the neck. A more serious one would be sin that results with a pain in the heart. As I become aware of my mistake, I run as fast as I can to The Lord and welcome His forgiveness, which He lavishes upon me so very lovingly. Jesus wipes the “slate” clean once again!
While I am able to fix my simple sewing mistakes, only Jesus is able to “fix” my sinful mistakes. Because I know it is His blood that makes this even possible, then it is very hard to be encouraged without first going to the cross. If my words are offensive because they fail to soothe a contrite heart, then they have also failed to express the truth of God’s love! If my words are offensive to the human ego, well, then I invite you to come with me to Calvary, which forever puts our ego into the proper perspective. Afterward, let’s go together, boldly, to view the open tomb and empty grave, available to us only by His grace!
Father God, it pains us to see that we are flawed beings. But, with a grateful heart, how cleansing and freeing it is to know that in Your eyes, because of Jesus, you see innocence and forgiveness. Amen
To The One Who said “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32.
This weekly devotion is written by Sweet Sherry Sharp, Sweet Monday President and sent to our sweet friends and Generous God givers! And don’t forget . . . BSSYP (Be Sweet & Say Your Prayers).
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6