On a Clear Day

On a recent trip to the eye doctor, the news is I am ready for cataract surgery. When my parents went through the process of having their cataracts removed, I could not relate to their dilemma. However, today I understand all too well how they felt frustrated with not being able to see clearly. No longer does it help putting on glasses because my vision is always blurred. Imagine always feeling as though you have “socks” on your eyeballs. Yes, I said socks! The above Scripture passage comes to mind as I consider my current visual state, “seeing through a glass, darkly…”

Most people are familiar with 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, especially the earlier verses, which are often recited at weddings: “Love is patient; love is kind…” (vs. 4). Oh, the depth of significance this short biblical chapter holds. Whether trying to capture the deeper meaning of love as couples embark on a covenant marriage relationship, or trying to understand the deeper meaning of life, as we live through the daily challenges of this world, sometimes emotional clarity is shrouded, like cataracts blur one’s physical vision.

Some things about humanity will remain a mystery on this side of heaven. Physical diseases threaten the body and spiritual diseases threaten a peaceful co-existence between God and humankind, and humans to humans. How wonderful it would be if a simple procedure could fix all physical and spiritual maladies like I am told cataract surgery fixes eye vision. While it was not so simple, God has provided a remedy that helps bring clarity to otherwise difficult situations we may experience. Jesus Christ, God’s only Son died for you and me so that one day we will “see face to face…” what we presently only “know in part.” All the smudges left behind by sin will be wiped away. Thank you, thank you, Jesus!

For deeper understanding, read 1 Corinthians 13.


“For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV (emphasis mine).