Keep Your Focus

November 2024 is a major election year in the United States. For many months, millions upon millions of dollars have been spent on media advertisements on behalf of various politicians vying for offices of power, including President, the highest office in the land. Promises, promises, and more promises about how and what each person claims he or she will do for the people if given the opportunity to serve. As most people have learned through experience, promises are much easier to make than to keep. Excuses and blame replace promises unkept. Still, this Constitutional Republic that Benjamin Franklin once wisely stated, “it is what we have if we can keep it.” Franklin made this statement over two hundred years ago, and the experiment, so far, has prevailed.

Every election cycle seems to grow more contentious. The year 2024 may prove to be the most vitriolic election since the inception of the Republic, certainly the most divisive in my lifetime. Friendships, even families have become broken to the point of isolating from each other. Social Media comments have wounded decades-long relationships so deeply that some people may never speak to one another again. Really? Seriously?

Friend, (and I do consider you my friend, though we may never have met) please know that God is the only One Whose “Every word is pure.” Even people who mean well will fail us. Politicians come and go; they will serve, some will fail, but all will die, along with you and me. I pray that in this election, when we cast our vote, we will remember that only God alone is eternal. Whatever transpires in this election, or any election, God, not by human ballot rather by His Sovereignty, is still on His throne.

For further understanding, please read Job 38 through 39.