When I was in high school, I spent all four years as a cheerleader. Whether at football games or basketball games, the cheerleaders were always there, yelling and encouraging the players in their effort to emerge from the competition as victors. As with most competitive sports, however, victory didn’t always pan out and the bus ride back home was a long one.
Every day, you and I are living in a world where defeat is just lurking around the corner, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
How does this happen?
Well, we begin each morning with a brand new blank slate of possibilities for how we will experience the hours we have before us. We are not always in control of the events we may encounter. Oh, it is glorious when we are able to go to bed at the end of the day and feel victorious in the things that have taken place. But, I can tell you from my own personal experience, many times I have ended the day feeling defeated simply by my own choices and attitude, regardless of what others may have done.
The Scripture above is filled with encouraging truth! In spite of the daily outcome, whether gain or loss, whether pummelled by the actions of others or our own, The Writer of these words is cheering for us to “hold on unswervingly.”
What is it we are to hold on to when life challenges us?
We are to hold on to “the hope we profess.” Like a boxer in the ring, we are to be steady, “unswerving” to either the left or the right. What is our motivation to endure the possible blows of hardship? “For he who promised is faithful.” God, Who has already won the victory for you and me through Jesus Christ at the cross and open tomb, promises us that because He is able to do even this, then surely, He also “works all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” [Romans 8:28, emphasis mine]
Now, for my favorite part as a “cheerleader”…I pray for you and me both, that this day and every day until Jesus returns, “we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” At the risk of injury, I am doing “cartwheels” to say, let’s make our “bus ride home” joyful with the knowledge, that “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” [Philippians 4:13]
Our heavenly Father, You are no stranger to the challenges and events we may experience throughout our day. Indeed, You faced and conquered the greatest challenge of all, death, and because of this, I too am able to claim victory, regardless of the blows my enemy may try and strike! AMEN
To The One Who always promises to be faithful…Jesus!
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6