Getting Lost

The story line about having a poor sense of direction is nothing new in my writing, as I have shared this personal deficiency many times. As the saying goes, “It doesn’t make me a bad person.” (Ha Ha). However, having a poor sense of direction does require my full and complete attention when driving in new territory and sometimes, even driving in places where I am very familiar. Now, let us get personal—perhaps many of you also have a less than stellar built-in direction finder?

One advantage aging provides is possessing an eye-witness account of history without needing to rely on hearsay or written data to verify. Throughout history, Bible believing Christians have relied on the Holy Scriptures for direction, when various cultures have otherwise lost their way; this is why in our current culture of 2024, Bible believing Christians must continue looking to God’s Word for direction. Unfortunately, like religious leaders of old, many religious church leaders and total denominations today are redefining God’s Word to fit the preferred lifestyles of followers, rather than sticking to what has been tested repeatedly and proven to be true, and good.

Solomon is the author of the Book of Proverbs. As king over Israel following the death of his father, King David, God granted Solomon wisdom when leading his people. The directive is not to trust in yourself or follow the masses with loudest voices. Solomon does not make a “suggestion” to keep up with the times and the “enlightened” culture. No! With God-given wisdom, Solomon states, “Trust in the LORD…lean not on your own understanding…acknowledge Him, and [then] He shall direct your paths” (emphasis mine).

Friend, using one’s imagination is not necessary today to know what happens when, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own [path]…” (Isaiah 53:6, NLT). A pastor and dear friend once said to me, “I would rather go to heaven alone, than to hell with a crowd!” This statement resonated and has stayed with me as profound wisdom.

What about you? Whose voice is leading you?

For deeper understanding, read 2 Thessalonians 2.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV