“I had no idea you were such a strong Christian.” Ouch! When I heard these words spoken of me a few days ago, I immediately felt a gentle rebuke from God. Although the statement came from someone, I have known for only a short time and, who I know meant it as a compliment, the truth is, secretly, the sentiment cut deeply. I love Jesus. Talking about Him whenever possible with other people is the highlight of any conversation. So, God’s nudge has resonated as a reminder, that, perhaps the volume of my witness needs turning up a notch or two.
The gospel story was left in the hands of Christians when Jesus ascended into heaven. Christians know God’s contact information; the way to “call on Him.” We must tell the world what we know about Jesus, or how else will they hear the truth? Before recognizing me as a “strong Christian,” did this sweet person see me as a weak or just mediocre Christian? Did she know me as a Christian at all? I will use this experience as an opportunity to ask God to show me when and how to be more obvious about how to express my love for Him with others.
Walking around with our Bible in hand is not always possible; nor do Christians carry a sign around stating, “I am a Christian!” When we invite Jesus into our heart, however, we immediately take on a type of “family resemblance.” Jesus changes us from the inside out. I want those around me to see a strong family resemblance to Jesus, not just a relationship to a distant relative.
Father God, let your light shine brightly in my life, that there is no mistaking to Whom I belong. Amen
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6