Regardless of where you are in your life, whether joyful, mourning, excited or simply holding your own, The Psalms in The Bible will meet you where you are. Each chapter within it’s pages was written by people just like you and me. Life for them, like for us, was never a straight line. Sometimes the path is smooth and predictable but can suddenly change and become turbulent.
Psalm 42 is a beautiful writing! The Psalmist uses a beautiful illustration to describe his emotions. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” (Verses 1 & 2.)
He makes clear that he longs to be with God because “my tears have been my food day and night.” Life is hard for him. He describes his soul as being “downcast” and “disturbed within me…Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”
The writer knows God is powerful enough to improve his circumstances but for reasons known only to God, has chosen not to.
Have you ever experienced a time when you felt as though God had abandoned you and yet, you knew He had not?
My son-in-law, Craig, shared with our family this morning, the “word of the day.” The word, ebullient, according to my online dictionary, means to be “cheerful and full of energy.” Craig suggested that in years past, ebullient was also used to describe the condition of the seas to sailors, and was offered as a warning, meaning the energy brewing was causing the water to be turbulent.
So, too, are our days in the hands of God!
Our LORD, Who gives us sunshine and warm breezes to enjoy, also allows the storms. Since beginning the writing of this devotion today, the weather outside my window has gone from rainy, cold and windy to sunny skies. No matter what is happening in the world at large or in our individual worlds, this one thing you can know for certain, God is good all of the time!
I thank you God for Your Word, which gives the assurance that You are ALWAYS present and in control whatever the “weather” and the end result will ALWAYS be “for the good of those who love [You] who have been called according to [Your] purpose.” (Romans 8:28) AMEN
To The One Who “from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Romans 11:36)
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6