As we enter the month of November, thoughts of turkey, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie consume us as our plans for Thanksgiving Day supper come together. My four grandchildren tell me this is their favorite holiday of the year. Imagine that; presents and the festivities of Christmastime are only second on their list! When I have inquired about why this day of eating until we pop means so much to them, they say, it is because family and friends are all together, with an emphasis on simply sharing time and space for a few hours. We generally have no agenda, other than hoping the turkey bird comes out of the oven on time, but we eat yummy snacks, talk and laugh around the outdoor fireplace (weather permitting!) and make lots of memories.
When we read through the Bible, many of the passages express the importance of food and fellowship. Jesus often gathered in people’s homes, and food is always part of their time together. I’m not really sure why eating is a natural occurring activity when people get together but it seems to work for us.
Over the next week, talk with your family about why they like Thanksgiving Day, and ask them to share some special memories of past celebrations. When I return to this Sweet Monday post next week, we’ll look into a couple of ideas for keeping track of our special holiday moments. Until then, remember that with Jesus Christ, every day is “thanksgiving!”
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6