It’s happening! The B-I-G five-O! No, I am not turning fifty years old…I wish! This year, my high school class of 1966 will celebrate our fiftieth reunion. Where have the years gone? In so many ways it seems like only yesterday, however, when I look into the mirror, no doubt time has passed. With the creation of Facebook and other social media, classmates have been able to reconnect. It is such fun seeing and hearing from these old friends! What is most striking besides the obvious physical changes that have taken place is the maturity level in the thoughtfulness and consideration; a normal process that should come with time, age and life experiences. We knew each other in our years of youth but today our relationships are new in an even deeper, richer way.
Unless you are younger than ten years old, chances are you have done things along the way you wish you hadn’t and for which you wish not to be remembered. While most of these “things” if broadly known, would merely result in embarrassment, some may be of a more serious nature. The world evaluates us based on perception along with our current and past record. For some of us, this may be troubling. They may say I knew him/her when…. I believe we all have had at least one experience we would not want to have remembered. Our reputation in this world is vulnerable.
Whatever your situation, in Christ, you are not simply in a make-over process, you are completely new! “The old has gone, the new has come!” Do you truly know what this means? Think about it for a minute. You are not just a fixer upper. You are not even a collector item, an antique or a relic, although you may physically feel that way at times. In Christ, you are brand new construction, being built on the Foundation of The Cross, with the purest and most perfect of materials. Jesus is your Architect, Designer, General Contractor, Builder and Inspector. His workmanship is of superior quality and carries an eternal warranty that has been written and sealed with His blood.
To The One Who is Jesus, Who takes us from being known to being new!
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6