On this Easter Monday, let us rejoice in Jesus Christ our Savior, that He has given us life eternal!
So much for which to be thankful…where do we begin? As though giving of Himself wasn’t enough, God has “given me [you] strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.” While children ran around on Easter Sunday morning looking for hidden eggs and special treats, you and I needed to look no further than God’s Word, in order to take delight in the wonder of it all.
The Scripture, written by Timothy, is full of encouraging statements. With all things resting in Christ Jesus, Timothy writes, “he [Jesus] considered me faithful.” Please note, he doesn’t say he considered me capable…talented…gifted or with a college degree. Faithful is God’s only consideration for appointing me [you] to his service.
How freeing this truth is in my own life. For many years, I was paralyzed by the belief that in order to be considered worthy for any kind of service, one had to have an extended education. Since I had no such thing, I strived harder to prove myself. Sometimes I was successful, but oftentimes, I felt like such a failure and lacking confidence. I wish I could tell you that thirty-five years ago when Jesus became my Lord, I immediately changed, but that was not the case. Today, I still struggle with the worldview in evaluating my own worthiness. BUT NOW, I quickly take my insecurities to The Only One Whose opinion matters at all and He tells me the only requirement for service in His Kingdom work is to be faithful when called!
Do you struggle with feeling worthy of serving? First, look to the cross. The blood of Jesus made you worthy in the eyes of The Father. Then, look to the empty grave. If something is still lacking, then, read what The Lord told Isaiah to write down, “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” (Isaiah 49:16)
How do I thank You Father for all that You have done and continue to do for me? Help me to serve you in this world with confidence, not because of who or what I am but because of Who You are. AMEN
To The One Who created me…
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6