Have you ever been to a carnival? Or, maybe sometime when you were on vacation you visited a “Fun House?” One attraction you might find in such a place is a set of mirrors that are designed in such a way as to distort the image being reflected. Depending on which way the mirror is bent, an image might look very tall and stick-like; another mirror might make the image look short and round. Such mirrors can be a lot of fun and make us laugh.
While carnival mirrors are silly and laughable, you and I as we exist on the earth in this realm of reality live with a distorted view both behind and before us. The smartest, most talented, and wisest among us lack one hundred percent spiritual clarity. God gave us His Word to help us navigate the way He wants us to live in this world, still we oftentimes venture off in a different direction enticed by the deceiving “gods” of this world, wealth, power, notoriety, sex, and the list goes on and on.
If we could clearly see what lies on the other side of heaven, I believe we would stay the course and never fall victim to the distractions that threaten to slow us down while we are here. Voices loom loudly all around us. Some of the voices yell messages meant not only to distract us but also to frighten us about the present and future world conditions. The Bible has never misrepresented our experience on earth. God created a beautiful environment that remains beautiful even now, but it is not designed or equipped to last for eternity. Jesus came to show us the Way that does lead to life eternal. During His earthly visit, Jesus asked all who are willing, “Follow me.” Then, just in case we do get distracted, He tells us, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Will you commit to follow Jesus?
I would like to dedicate this writing in loving memory of my precious sister, Dianne Sweeny, who went to her heavenly home on January 6, 2021. Dianne loved Jesus and was always a bright shining light that led many to know and receive Christ as Savior. Her work here is complete, but I will love and miss her always until we meet again in heaven. From my heart to yours…Sherry
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6