Wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, presents, lights, tinsel, Santa…all of these things make for a very festive time of year, when children get super excited and mother’s become frantic about filling those stockings that were placed on the mantle. It is such fun!! If we focus only on these things, however, then we begin to see things like this: XMAS. For most people who use this form of short-cutting, having to write out the entire word of Christmas is simply that…a shortcut. But I have another thought to offer up.
God went to great length to give to you and to me the very best Gift of all time, His Son, Jesus Christ. No short-cuts when he “wrapped” Jesus up in the form of a tiny baby boy and sent Him to us. He was beautiful in every way and came complete to be all He needed to be on our behalf, our Savior. No batteries or assembly required! How cool is that!!
How about this idea? Instead of X-ing Christ out of the Word, Christmas this year, why not simply make a little adjustment to the X by turning it, just slightly to the right so it looks like this:
If we do this, it will help those of us who feel stressed about time and feel we cannot spare the seconds in the day, but it will also keep The Spirit of Christ in Christmas as we go about our busy-ness. What do you think?
“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all….” [Romans 8:32] Will you make this one little adjustment to your thoughtful “to do list” this Christmas? It will not add any more time, I promise, but it will add significant joy to your heart as you are reminded that once again The Creator of time considered you worth it, to take the time to give so that you could live!
THANK YOU GOD for sparing the time to send Jesus for me! AMEN
To The One Who is “the Bright Morning Star…” Jesus Christ!!
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6