Have you ever experienced trying to re-light a candle that was impossible to get a flame going? This has happened to me several times in the past and again, just recently. After many failing attempts, I gave up and retrieved a fresh new candle.
As I read today’s Scripture, I am moved at the depth of God’s mercy that comes to mind. So many conversations have revolved around the length of God’s patience in light of mankind’s sinful nature, both individually and collectively. Sometimes, I look around and wonder why we are still here…why I am still here?
It is true; while I may be frustrated and give up on my faulty candle, throw it away and get a new one, God never gives up on us! As long as you and I have the breath of life within us, God will fan the flame of hope for our salvation, though it be “a smoldering wick….” We may feel beaten down by our own lack of faith, commitment and ability to persevere through the fires of everyday life, but God says, “a bruised reed he will not break….” When you awaken in the morning, do you face the day with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead or are you still brooding over the disappointments of yesterday? Do you fear God is judging you for your mistakes or secretly hoping His judgment will come upon someone else for their’s?
“’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thorn bush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD’S renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed.’” [Isaiah 55:8-13 NIV]
Dear Father God, You alone bring hope out of hopelessness; beauty from ashes and life out of death. Help me to understand that “justice and victory” both are in Your hands, not mine. AMEN
To The One Who provides the oxygen that keeps our “candle” from going out completely…Jesus!
Sherry Sharp
P.O. Box 4233
Richmond, VA 23242
804-327-0710 ext. 6